آراء مسافرينا

تعرّف على آراء المسافرين معنا حول تجاربهم التي غيّرت حياتهم


  • زنجبار (25)
  • بالي (15)
  • كينيا (6)
  • سريلانكا (6)
  • نيبال (5)
  • المغرب (1)
  • ساردينيا (1)


  • البناء (35)
  • طبية (6)
  • سفاري و الماساي (5)
  • التعافي (5)
  • الإستكشاف (3)
  • تعليم (3)
  • المنطقة الزرقاء (1)
  • الاستدامة (1)


  • زنجبار (25)
  • بالي (15)
  • كينيا (6)
  • سريلانكا (6)
  • نيبال (5)
  • المغرب (1)
  • ساردينيا (1)


  • البناء (35)
  • طبية (6)
  • سفاري و الماساي (5)
  • التعافي (5)
  • الإستكشاف (3)
  • تعليم (3)
  • المنطقة الزرقاء (1)
  • الاستدامة (1)


Simply spectacular!

Najla A

لقد قضينا وقتا رائعا و تجربة جداً جميلة و ممتعة و انصح بها بشدة ☺️


Unforgettable experience! Everything no was amazing and organized, organizers were very helpful and friendly.


Never ending laughter with an amazing group

منى ا

Every thing was perfect, tho food, the program, the resort and everyone was part of this trip.


Everything was perfect Starting with amazing soul .. zainab and the helpful guy.. roy Everything thing was perfectly organized This is my 1st time to be with this type of group and for sure it’s not the last Thank you so much & I recommend it to ma family and friends 🤍🤍


Before this trip, I had already engaged in various charitable activities, volunteer work, and visits within my own country. However, traveling to a new location and providing assistance to others impacted me in a unique way. This is because the past three years of my life have been consumed by a new lifestyle and the constant busyness and distractions of work. In all honesty, I wasn't particularly thrilled about traveling with a new group of people. Nevertheless, I express gratitude to God every day since my return. The experience of constructing classrooms for children and encountering individuals with genuinely pure hearts during our late-night strolls, conversations, and shared laughter made me realize how much I had been missing in life. It served as a powerful wake-up call for me.


First time with nomuhub and first time to Bali. It was amazing and very well organized. Nomuhub team did a great job. I like the website all details are there, easy registration, easy payment, 24 hrs contact, zoom meeting before the trip, WhatsApp group for communication, well-organized transportation and trips, and very positive vibes. I wish l could join all the trips and will recommend it to everyone. Thank you!


The trip had organized project that was fit for the time we were there. food, accommodation, & social activities were worth it.

أليسون روسير

كان الانضمام إلى فريق نموهب أحد أفضل الخيارات التي اتخذتها في حياتي. وعلى الرغم من أنها كانت التجربة الأصعب بالنسبة لي، إلا أنها كانت الأكثر تأثيرًا بالإيجاب في نفسي. سوف أعود مرة أخرى هذا العام للمساهمة في المزيد من الأنشطة. كم هو رائع ذلك العطاء الذي يفيض به فريق نموهب على المشاركين، وكم هي ممتعة تلك الأنشطة التي يعدّها لهم. شكرًا نموهب!

عيسى الحبيب

بعد رحلتي الأولى مع نموهب، عدت وأنا أحمل منظور آخر تمامًا للحياة. وتعلمت خلال الرحلة عددًا لا متناهيًا من الدروس التي تركت أثرًا إيجابيًا في شخصيتي. وكل هذه التأثيرات أتت من قراري الذي اتخذته بأن أنغمس في بيئة تترك فيني أثراً لبقية حياتي. نصيحتي هي، استمر بالسفر،الاستكشاف،والعطاء!

Sahar H

I had a great experience. Volunteering in Zanzibar is very unique. I cannot wait to be back.


We had a great time. Wonderful people, delicious food and comfortable accommodation. Thank you for this fantastic experience.


The trip was truly incredible! The Volunteering works were really touching my soul. I felt it gaves me a great opportunity to give back to this world but at the same time it helps to find myself along the way as well. I was very happy to be able to meet so many kind Cisconians /souls from different part of the world that inspired me in many ways. The organizers from Nomuhub were very organized, kind & genuine in person, you can always count on them as they're very professional, knowledgeable, friendly and down to earth, & you can't get any better than this. The entire trip was very smooth & excited, truly looking forward to the next trip with Nomuhub again. Last but not least, Kudos to Gyani, Roy & Zainab, as they're really amazing ! I felt blessed to be part of this NEPAL Building Volunteer trip and you gonna try it yourself ! :D


well organised team,starting from minute one where applications were filled up and initial payment was sent,followed by easy system of contacting organising team.I love zoom meeting & whatsup group which made a great difference for me re actual preparation for the trip.I love the perfect way of receiving the participants at zinzibar and the whole balanced program between giving ,working and pleasure.i love their resilience and ability to provide needs for different type of participants.i love safe farewell arrangement for my early departure FOR ALL OF YOU FOR NOMUHUB THANK YOU

مواهب أبو شال

ساعدتني تجربتي مع نموهب في تجديد شعور المتعة في حياتي، وهي تذكّرني باقتباس "جيمس ميلر": "لا شيء في هذه الحياة بإمكانه صنع السعادة والمتعة كعمل الخير".


Tour organizers Roy & Zainab and our guide Gyani were all amazing! Helpful, super organized, they made the trip much better. The school was nicely picked. The touristic destinations and restaurants were also pleasant. Thank you!

علي مزعل

أحببت تجربتي مع نموهب لأنني التقيت خلالها بأشخاص يشبهونني في التفكير. كنت أحرص على العمل بجد في كل يوم، ولكني كنت أستمتع به في الوقت نفسه. وكان المنظمون حريصين جدًا على ترتيب الأنشطة التطوعية بشكل يضمن لنا قضاء وقت ممتع خلال بقية اليوم.

أحمد العبري

أن تسافر مع نموهب يعني أن تعيش التجربة بكل معنى الكلمة! سوف تتعلم الكثير حول بناء الفريق، وإدارة الموارد، وتحقيق الأهداف بشكل يتجاوز كل التوقعات، والسعي للتغيير. وستنجح أيضًا في تكوين صداقاتٍ جديدة من خلال خوضك مغامرات وتجارب يومية لاستكشاف المجتمع المحلي من حولك. صحيح أن العمل كان شاقًا بعض الشيء، ولكنه كان ممتعًا! لقد غيرتني هذه التجربة تمامًا وأتمنى تكرارها مرة أخرى.

Hayat Alghassani

Exploring the blue zone wouldn't be as fulfilling without Nomuhub! By connecting with local families and communities, the experience offered us a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in the Sardinian lifestyle, gaining a deeper understanding of the secrets to longevity and wellness!


I had a great time ,I really enjoyed the trip ,Nice people i like the food , comfortable hotel It will be not the last time 😊

Aisha A

It was amazing experience, being able to help people in need it’s a gift and rewarding. So thank you so muchh for offering to us this opportunity

Hamdan A

The experience was nothing short of amazing. Main purpose of travel to have some fun and give back to the local community through volunteer work.

سلمى معتوق

أجد صعوبة في شرح مشاعري تجاه هذه التجربة، فهي قادرة على تعليمك وتغييرك في الوقت نفسه. كانت المتعة الحقيقية بالنسبة لي في تجربتي في معرفة أن هذا المجهود الذي قمت به مع الفريق كان سببًا في رسم الابتسامة على وجه أحد الأشخاص.


It was truly a one of a kind trip! I enjoyed every activity on the schedule ,nomu hub team was very professional and always on time. the service was exceptional as well and I really connected with all the girls that came with me on this trip Thank you for the most beautiful experience!


We had a wonderful experience, meeting a new friends and grateful for that el hamdulilah 🙏🏻 Tasting a delicious food. Inshallah i have to do it again 💗

Ali Rabah

We had a great time there Thank you so much and big thanks to our leader Ali from Oman and operations team in Zanzibar : Salim, Amour, Amigo and Hikman Hakona matata See you again in new trip All the best wishes Ali Rabah UAE

Nuha B

It was a beautiful trip in every sense of the word. The companionship was more beautiful and everyone was helpful and kind. The trip guide did an excellent job in managing things. I thank Namhub for this trip and I want to be with them next time to help people in need. I hope to be part of your team and I hope to work with you.


The journey was unbelievable ♥️♥️♥️


unforgettable experience I've ever had in my entire life. Kenya become part of my heart. I would like to thank everyone who worked hardly to bring us to this great experience.


The idea of travelling to a new country plus sharing your efforts and money for a good purpose there is fantastic and very satisfying! High five for such initiatives and for NomuHub who organised very SAFE trip to Bentota-Sri Lanka in May 2023. The food and accommodation were super good.


This trip had breathtaking moments with the wildlife and adventures. Loved the excitement and nature connecting.


My trip with Nomu Hub was definitely an experience of a lifetime. I’ve traveled several times but this is the first time I was able to see the country through the eyes of the locals and feel what struggles they’re going through on a daily basis. Through volunteering, I’ve immersed in the local culture and bonded with people there which made Zanzibar felt like home. This whole experience showed me exactly what I was meant to be doing in this world. And now I suppose it would be difficult to gain the same level of satisfaction from a traditional vacation after such a meaningful trip.


I enjoyed every single moment of the trip. Zanzibar food and songs are amazing. The work we did in the school was my favorite part the interaction with students and challenging our selves to do the volunteery work is so satisfying


كانت هذه أحد التجارب التي لا تُنسى في حياتي. لقد علمتني زيارة زنجبار دروسًا عديدة، فلقد رأيت الأطفال هناك بلا أحذية وشاهدت العائلات التي لا تمتلك سيارات ولكنهم مازالوا قادرين على الاستمتاع بالحياة والشعور بالامتنان فيها. تعلّمت من خلال الرحلة بأن السعادة لا تعني امتلاك الأشياء، بل هي نابعة من الداخل. لقد منحني السفر بهدف مساعدة الآخرين وإحداث فرق في حياتهم شعورًا بالسعادة الغامرة وجعلني أشعر بأنني أعيش في هذه الحياة لهدف.

تاج خان

تميزت أول رحلة لي مع نموهب بأنها مفعمة بالمشاعر، فقد أعطيت هذه التجربة كل ما لديّ وأخذت منها في المقابل أضعاف ما قدمت فيها. وهنا أيقنت من أنني يجب أن أخوض هذه التجربة مرارًا وتكرارًا. رسالتي لأي شخص يفكر بالانضمام إلى نموهب بأن هذه التجربة ستغيّر حياتك تمامًا، لذا جهّز نفسك للانطلاق فيها والاستمتاع بها!

بكيل يَمَاني

لقد انضممت إلى نموهب في شهر مارس ٢٠١٨ في رحلتهم الأولى بهدف دعم الزراعة المستدامة في زنجبار، والتي تركت لدي ذكريات رائعة كثيرة، من أبرزها ترديد الأغاني السواحيلي آناء النهار والليل، وتعلم كيفية استخدام مختلف الآلات الزراعية. نجحت خلال هذه الرحلة في تعميق صلتي بالطبيعة وتوطيد علاقاتي بالأشخاص الذين التقيت بهم من كل دول الخليج العربي. فأنا أتذكر كيف كنا نسترد عافيتنا مع بعضنا البعض، وكيف كنا نسير معًا تحت المطر الذي كان يهطل علينا كرسالة مباركة من الله. كنت قادرة على استشعار أهمية ذلك الأثر الذي كنا نصنعه بعمق. لقد كانت تجربة مميزة للغاية.


A fantastic experience, wonderful organizers, helpful and more than good. I really enjoyed the trip. The choice of accommodation and areas is very nice. I would like to thank Salim for his wonderful cooperation with me and thank you to everyone for making unforgettable memories for me.

أحمد الديجير

نجحت خلال تجربتي التطوعية التي استمرت لأسبوعين في تكوين صداقات متعددة وصنع ذكريات رائعة. لقد أخذت من مجتمع زنجبار أكثر مما قدمت له! شكرًا نموهب على هذه التجربة التي لا تُنسى.


It was an amazing experience! the project manager and the team were so helpful and encouraging. Thank you so much


It was a perfect trip from start to finish! I am definitely going on a trip with NomuHub again and already recommending the travel company to my friends and family! It really was a memorable trip and I will cherish the memories forever :) Special thanks to Ratna for taking care of us during the entire period


أود أن أشكر جميع المنظمين على هذه الرحلة الرائعة التي تم تنظيمها بأفضل شكل، حيث جعلتنا نستمتع بجمال بالي وأنشطتها الرائعة.. كما أود أن أشكر المرشدة السيدة سورتي، لأنها كانت رائعة للغاية، ومنظمة للغاية، وعاملتنا كما لو كنا أصدقائها. كما أشكر السيد مانك بالون والسيد ويدي اللذين حرصا على نقلنا من مكان إلى آخر باحترافية ودقة وعاملونا باحترام.


This trip was a totally unexpected trip of a lifetime. From start to finish, the team was organised, friendly, kind and informative. I really recommend travelling with NomuHub as not only will you be travelling with purpose and contributing to equipment of the projects itself, but you will also get to experience the place you visit from the lens of a local. Love it, I will be back. Thank you NomuHub!


أفضل رحلة ذهبت إليها على الإطلاق


The trip was a wonderful experience, the people were simple, kind and very enthusiastic, the accommodations were simple and to the point. The volunteering activities were extremely fulfilling and a great learning experience It was an overall wonderful experience.

جاك ناصور

لا شيء يضاهي متعة العطاء. كان العمل متعبًا بعض الشيء وغير معتاد بالنسبة لي، ولكن فكرة أنني أساهم في بناء مستقبل لأحد الأطفال كانت كافية لتمحو كل التعب.


I had great time with numohub. Experiencing new things. Meeting new people. Doing right things. It was my pleasure joining this trip. I have no regrets.


We had a great time, it was well organised by Nomu Hub team. Truly said traveling with a purpose would leave us with a great impression. One week with Nomu Hub feels more by connecting with positive souls, learning new concepts, giving modest contribution back, valuing what we already have back home, and many other takeouts from the trip. I would definitely recommend this experience to others 🫶


First of all, thank you so much for this WONDERFUL experience!!! Second, The team was great The organization was 10/10 The experience was amazing! Finally, I would love to do this again and again and again…


My trip to Kenya with NomuHub was an incredibly well-organized and an unforgettable experience. The highlight was the Safari in Masai Mara and all the cultural knowledge of Kenyan tribes, which was truly life-changing. Also, connecting with nature on such an intimate level brought a sense of serenity and thrill. NomuHub's attention to detail of accommodations, knowledgeable guides, and seamless logistics made the trip exceptional. I highly recommend NomuHub for anyone seeking a remarkable journey in Kenya.


I had amazing experience in safari and l got to see all big five animals so close . I had the chance to participate in animals preservation activities and even l adopted a baby elephant. Am very grateful for that .Also l got chance to meet the really Maasai people and know lots about their traditional culture. Ioved the food and full team were so cooperative and friendly Thank you for such quality time and beautiful places


The organising team were second to none. For me to travel to an unfamiliar country, stay at a hotel and meet with 20 strangers to help renovate a school in Nepal with no problems was an amazing job. On top of this, activities and dinners were all arranged and really couldn’t have been more engaging and enjoyable. A truly memorable and life-changing experience.

Iman A

The trip was super amazing and well ogranized. The guides were very professional and kind. The way the trip was put together was really good. Looking forwards for more trips with Nomuhub


It was an amazing experience that always I will remember! Your team it was an esencial part to the success of this experience without you nothing would be as it was. Thank you so much ! Fer


It was a beautiful trip, wonderful adventures, beautiful friends, and the leader, Salem, was really, yes, the leader. He helped us a lot and was very helpful. Very very thank you Peter was also very helpful and kind to us Thank alot for the wonderful trip For sure i will join you again for next adventure


My experience is one I will never forget! It has inspired me on so many levels. What an inspiration it is to help others, make a difference, and give back to communities in need. While also explore, connect with new people, and have fun! I will surely do it again and travel with purpose! 🖤

Sandra Lakkis

This team was the most amazing and emotional trip I have ever had in my life. As I said to the team, I went to give but I received much more in return. II exceeded all my expectations honestly. The team is great, the people are great and Zanzibar is magic. If you want to experience the Hakuna Matata vibes by all meanings than you need to sign in! Much love to all ❤️ Sandra Lakkis


It was an amazing trip I learned so much from it and gained alot of experiences thank you so much for your efforts

عائشة فخرو

كنا محظوظين لأننا تمكننا من ممارسة أفضل الأنشطة في كلا المجالين. أولًا، الاندماج في العمل التطوعي الذي يترك أثرًا قيّمًا، وثانيًا، استكشاف زنجبار كسائحين في نهاية اليوم. لقد ترك التواصل المتبادل بيني وبين السكان المحليين لديّ شعورًا غامرًا بالسعادة، وشعرنا هناك بالترحيب والدعم من قِبل كلٍ من السكان المحليين والمنظّمين. كان المنظمون متفاهمين للغاية وبقوا على تواصل معنا للرد على كافة استفساراتنا خلال الرحلة. أنا في غاية الامتنان لأنني كنت جزءًا من هذا المشروع، ولا يسعني الانتظار لأعود إلى هناك قريبًا!