شركاء نجاحنا
عن نموهب
لماذا نحن ؟
السفر المستدام
أترك أثر إيجابي على البيئة والمجتمعات المحلية
تجربة عادات وتقاليد مختلفة
تجارب مليئة بالتواصل مع المجتمعات المحلية
تحقيق الهدف
سافر بهدف لترك بصمة وتغيير إيجابي في كل رحلة
رحلات مريحة
رحلات منظمة ومريحة من لحظة وصولك حتى المغادرة
نقدم لكم الفرصة لخوض تجارب حقيقة ذات معنى تترك أثرًا على أكثر المجتمعات حاجة لمساهماتكم.
عزمنا منذ انطلاقتنا في ٢٠١٧ على إطلاق مغامرات متكاملة تجمع بين التطوع والاستكشاف وتكوين الصداقات الجديدة وصنع الذكريات التي لا تُنسى.
كن على يقين بأن الأشخاص هم حجر الأساس في جميع تجاربنا، بدءًا من السكان المحليين إلى زملائك في السفر، وصولًا إلى جميع الأشخاص الذين ستلتقي بهم خلال رحلتك.
هادفة، استثنائية، ولا تُنسى
نموهب بالأرقام
كيف صنعنا الفرق
آراء المشاركين وشهادات نعتز بها
آراء مسافرينا
The idea of travelling to a new country plus sharing your efforts and money for a good purpose there is fantastic and very satisfying! High five for such initiatives and for NomuHub who organised very SAFE trip to Bentota-Sri Lanka in May 2023. The food and accommodation were super good.
I had a great time ,I really enjoyed the trip ,Nice people i like the food , comfortable hotel It will be not the last time 😊
Before this trip, I had already engaged in various charitable activities, volunteer work, and visits within my own country. However, traveling to a new location and providing assistance to others impacted me in a unique way. This is because the past three years of my life have been consumed by a new lifestyle and the constant busyness and distractions of work. In all honesty, I wasn't particularly thrilled about traveling with a new group of people. Nevertheless, I express gratitude to God every day since my return. The experience of constructing classrooms for children and encountering individuals with genuinely pure hearts during our late-night strolls, conversations, and shared laughter made me realize how much I had been missing in life. It served as a powerful wake-up call for me.
First time with nomuhub and first time to Bali. It was amazing and very well organized. Nomuhub team did a great job. I like the website all details are there, easy registration, easy payment, 24 hrs contact, zoom meeting before the trip, WhatsApp group for communication, well-organized transportation and trips, and very positive vibes. I wish l could join all the trips and will recommend it to everyone. Thank you!
It was a beautiful trip, wonderful adventures, beautiful friends, and the leader, Salem, was really, yes, the leader. He helped us a lot and was very helpful. Very very thank you Peter was also very helpful and kind to us Thank alot for the wonderful trip For sure i will join you again for next adventure
Sahar H
I had a great experience. Volunteering in Zanzibar is very unique. I cannot wait to be back.
أحمد الديجير
في تجربتي التطوعية لأسبوعين، كوّنت صداقات متعددة، صنعت ذكريات لا تُنسى، وأيضاً.. أخذت أكثر مما أعطيت لمجتمع زنجبار!
I had great time with numohub. Experiencing new things. Meeting new people. Doing right things. It was my pleasure joining this trip. I have no regrets.
The trip was a wonderful experience, the people were simple, kind and very enthusiastic, the accommodations were simple and to the point. The volunteering activities were extremely fulfilling and a great learning experience It was an overall wonderful experience.
شارك معنا
شريكك الموثوق
هل أنت مؤسسة تتطلع إلى تعزيز مسؤوليتها الاجتماعية؟
اكتشف كيف
اشترك في نشرتنا الإخبارية
كن على اطلاع بكل جديد حول برامجنا ووجهاتنا وغيرها المزيد!