نتبنى ضمن برامجنا باقة متنوعة من القضايا التطوعية، والتي تشمل دعم التعليم من خلال بناء الفصول الدراسية ومساعدة المعلمين المحليين، أو توفير الخدمات الطبية اللازمة ونشر التوعية الصحية، إلى تشجيع المجتمعات على تبني أساليب الزراعة المعمرة بصورة مستدامة.
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أحمد العبري
أن تسافر مع نموهب، تعني عيش التجربة! سوف تتعلم الكثير عن بناء الفريق، ادارة الموارد، دفع نفسك خلف التوقعات والحدود والسعي للتغير.
The trip was a wonderful experience, the people were simple, kind and very enthusiastic, the accommodations were simple and to the point. The volunteering activities were extremely fulfilling and a great learning experience It was an overall wonderful experience.
The trip was truly incredible! The Volunteering works were really touching my soul. I felt it gaves me a great opportunity to give back to this world but at the same time it helps to find myself along the way as well. I was very happy to be able to meet so many kind Cisconians /souls from different part of the world that inspired me in many ways. The organizers from Nomuhub were very organized, kind & genuine in person, you can always count on them as they're very professional, knowledgeable, friendly and down to earth, & you can't get any better than this. The entire trip was very smooth & excited, truly looking forward to the next trip with Nomuhub again. Last but not least, Kudos to Gyani, Roy & Zainab, as they're really amazing ! I felt blessed to be part of this NEPAL Building Volunteer trip and you gonna try it yourself ! :D
The trip had organized project that was fit for the time we were there. food, accommodation, & social activities were worth it.
Ali Rabah
We had a great time there Thank you so much and big thanks to our leader Ali from Oman and operations team in Zanzibar : Salim, Amour, Amigo and Hikman Hakona matata See you again in new trip All the best wishes Ali Rabah UAE

أحمد الديجير
في تجربتي التطوعية لأسبوعين، كوّنت صداقات متعددة، صنعت ذكريات لا تُنسى، وأيضاً.. أخذت أكثر مما أعطيت لمجتمع زنجبار!
Hamdan A
The experience was nothing short of amazing. Main purpose of travel to have some fun and give back to the local community through volunteer work.
Nuha B
It was a beautiful trip in every sense of the word. The companionship was more beautiful and everyone was helpful and kind. The trip guide did an excellent job in managing things. I thank Namhub for this trip and I want to be with them next time to help people in need. I hope to be part of your team and I hope to work with you.
I enjoyed every single moment of the trip. Zanzibar food and songs are amazing. The work we did in the school was my favorite part the interaction with students and challenging our selves to do the volunteery work is so satisfying