نتبنى ضمن برامجنا باقة متنوعة من القضايا التطوعية، والتي تشمل دعم التعليم من خلال بناء الفصول الدراسية ومساعدة المعلمين المحليين، أو توفير الخدمات الطبية اللازمة ونشر التوعية الصحية، إلى تشجيع المجتمعات على تبني أساليب الزراعة المعمرة بصورة مستدامة.
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تاج خان
أول رحلة لي مع نموهب كانت مفعمة بالعواطف، أعطيت كل ماعندي لهذه التجربة وأخذت ضعف ما أعطيت من الرضا بالمقابل. هنا علمت أنه يجب أن أكرر هذه التجربة مراراً وتكراراً.
Iman A
The trip was super amazing and well ogranized. The guides were very professional and kind. The way the trip was put together was really good. Looking forwards for more trips with nomuhub

السفر بهدف مساعدة الآخرين وإحداث فرق في حياتهم جعلني سعيداً جداً وجعلني أشعر بأنني أعيش في هذه الحياة لهدف.
It was an amazing experience that always I will remember! Your team it was an esencial part to the success of this experience without you nothing would be as it was. Thank you so much ! Fer
First of all, thank you so much for this WONDERFUL experience!!! Second, The team was great The organization was 10/10 The experience was amazing! Finally, I would love to do this again and again and again…

عائشة فخرو
كنا محظوظين لممارسة أفضل ما في المجالين، من ناحية الاندماج بالعمل التطوعي، الذي يترك أثراً قيّماً، وكذلك استكشاف زنجبار كسائحين في نهاية اليوم.
Sandra Lakkis
This team was the most amazing and emotional trip I have ever had in my life. As I said to the team, I went to give but I received much more in return. II exceeded all my expectations honestly. The team is great, the people are great and Zanzibar is magic. If you want to experience the Hakuna Matata vibes by all meanings than you need to sign in! Much love to all ❤️ Sandra Lakkis
Tour organizers Roy & Zainab and our guide Gyani were all amazing! Helpful, super organized, they made the trip much better. The school was nicely picked. The touristic destinations and restaurants were also pleasant. Thank you!
We had a great time, it was well organised by Nomu Hub team. Truly said traveling with a purpose would leave us with a great impression. One week with Nomu Hub feels more by connecting with positive souls, learning new concepts, giving modest contribution back, valuing what we already have back home, and many other takeouts from the trip. I would definitely recommend this experience to others 🫶