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آراء المشاركين وشهادات نعتز بها
آراء متطوعينا
It was truly a one of a kind trip! I enjoyed every activity on the schedule ,nomu hub team was very professional and always on time. the service was exceptional as well and I really connected with all the girls that came with me on this trip Thank you for the most beautiful experience!
أود أن أشكر جميع المنظمين على هذه الرحلة الرائعة التي تم تنظيمها بأفضل شكل، حيث جعلتنا نستمتع بجمال بالي وأنشطتها الرائعة.. كما أود أن أشكر المرشدة السيدة سورتي، لأنها كانت رائعة للغاية، ومنظمة للغاية، وعاملتنا كما لو كنا أصدقائها. كما أشكر السيد مانك بالون والسيد ويدي اللذين حرصا على نقلنا من مكان إلى آخر باحترافية ودقة وعاملونا باحترام.
Before this trip, I had already engaged in various charitable activities, volunteer work, and visits within my own country. However, traveling to a new location and providing assistance to others impacted me in a unique way. This is because the past three years of my life have been consumed by a new lifestyle and the constant busyness and distractions of work. In all honesty, I wasn't particularly thrilled about traveling with a new group of people. Nevertheless, I express gratitude to God every day since my return. The experience of constructing classrooms for children and encountering individuals with genuinely pure hearts during our late-night strolls, conversations, and shared laughter made me realize how much I had been missing in life. It served as a powerful wake-up call for me.

بكيل يَمَاني
لقد التحقت بنموهب في مارس\آذار ٢٠١٨ في رحلتهم الأولى من نوعها للزراعة المستدامة في زنجبار وتركت لدي ذكريات رائعة كثيرة، منها: أداء أغنيات السواحيلي طوال النهار والليل، وتعلم كيفية استخدام مختلف الآلات الزراعية، وكذلك أصبحت متحدة مع الطبيعة
The organising team were second to none. For me to travel to an unfamiliar country, stay at a hotel and meet with 20 strangers to help renovate a school in Nepal with no problems was an amazing job. On top of this, activities and dinners were all arranged and really couldn’t have been more engaging and enjoyable. A truly memorable and life-changing experience.
We had a great time. Wonderful people, delicious food and comfortable accommodation. Thank you for this fantastic experience.

أحمد العبري
أن تسافر مع نموهب، تعني عيش التجربة! سوف تتعلم الكثير عن بناء الفريق، ادارة الموارد، دفع نفسك خلف التوقعات والحدود والسعي للتغير.
Sahar H
I had a great experience. Volunteering in Zanzibar is very unique. I cannot wait to be back.
Ali Rabah
We had a great time there Thank you so much and big thanks to our leader Ali from Oman and operations team in Zanzibar : Salim, Amour, Amigo and Hikman Hakona matata See you again in new trip All the best wishes Ali Rabah UAE