Your mind and body will be rejuvenated on Sardinia island where centenaries are the norm. You will experience the warmth of traditional Sardinian hospitality and you will be inspired by a way of life that hasn’t changed in centuries.
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أحمد العبري
أن تسافر مع نموهب، تعني عيش التجربة! سوف تتعلم الكثير عن بناء الفريق، ادارة الموارد، دفع نفسك خلف التوقعات والحدود والسعي للتغير.
Iman A
The trip was super amazing and well ogranized. The guides were very professional and kind. The way the trip was put together was really good. Looking forwards for more trips with nomuhub
Everything was perfect Starting with amazing soul .. zainab and the helpful guy.. roy Everything thing was perfectly organized This is my 1st time to be with this type of group and for sure it’s not the last Thank you so much & I recommend it to ma family and friends 🤍🤍
Hamdan A
The experience was nothing short of amazing. Main purpose of travel to have some fun and give back to the local community through volunteer work.

مواهب أبو شال
ساعدتني تجربتي مع نموهب في تجديد شعور المتعة في حياتي، وهي تذكّرني باقتباس "جيمس ميلر": "لا شيء في هذه الحياة بإمكانه صنع السعادة والمتعة كعمل الخير".
أود أن أشكر جميع المنظمين على هذه الرحلة الرائعة التي تم تنظيمها بأفضل شكل، حيث جعلتنا نستمتع بجمال بالي وأنشطتها الرائعة.. كما أود أن أشكر المرشدة السيدة سورتي، لأنها كانت رائعة للغاية، ومنظمة للغاية، وعاملتنا كما لو كنا أصدقائها. كما أشكر السيد مانك بالون والسيد ويدي اللذين حرصا على نقلنا من مكان إلى آخر باحترافية ودقة وعاملونا باحترام.
The trip was truly incredible! The Volunteering works were really touching my soul. I felt it gaves me a great opportunity to give back to this world but at the same time it helps to find myself along the way as well. I was very happy to be able to meet so many kind Cisconians /souls from different part of the world that inspired me in many ways. The organizers from Nomuhub were very organized, kind & genuine in person, you can always count on them as they're very professional, knowledgeable, friendly and down to earth, & you can't get any better than this. The entire trip was very smooth & excited, truly looking forward to the next trip with Nomuhub again. Last but not least, Kudos to Gyani, Roy & Zainab, as they're really amazing ! I felt blessed to be part of this NEPAL Building Volunteer trip and you gonna try it yourself ! :D

السفر بهدف مساعدة الآخرين وإحداث فرق في حياتهم جعلني سعيداً جداً وجعلني أشعر بأنني أعيش في هذه الحياة لهدف.