Explore Bali
آراء المشاركين وشهادات نعتز بها
آراء متطوعينا
We had a great time. Wonderful people, delicious food and comfortable accommodation. Thank you for this fantastic experience.

بكيل يَمَاني
لقد التحقت بنموهب في مارس\آذار ٢٠١٨ في رحلتهم الأولى من نوعها للزراعة المستدامة في زنجبار وتركت لدي ذكريات رائعة كثيرة، منها: أداء أغنيات السواحيلي طوال النهار والليل، وتعلم كيفية استخدام مختلف الآلات الزراعية، وكذلك أصبحت متحدة مع الطبيعة
The trip was truly incredible! The Volunteering works were really touching my soul. I felt it gaves me a great opportunity to give back to this world but at the same time it helps to find myself along the way as well. I was very happy to be able to meet so many kind Cisconians /souls from different part of the world that inspired me in many ways. The organizers from Nomuhub were very organized, kind & genuine in person, you can always count on them as they're very professional, knowledgeable, friendly and down to earth, & you can't get any better than this. The entire trip was very smooth & excited, truly looking forward to the next trip with Nomuhub again. Last but not least, Kudos to Gyani, Roy & Zainab, as they're really amazing ! I felt blessed to be part of this NEPAL Building Volunteer trip and you gonna try it yourself ! :D
The idea of travelling to a new country plus sharing your efforts and money for a good purpose there is fantastic and very satisfying! High five for such initiatives and for NomuHub who organised very SAFE trip to Bentota-Sri Lanka in May 2023. The food and accommodation were super good.
Tour organizers Roy & Zainab and our guide Gyani were all amazing! Helpful, super organized, they made the trip much better. The school was nicely picked. The touristic destinations and restaurants were also pleasant. Thank you!
First of all, thank you so much for this WONDERFUL experience!!! Second, The team was great The organization was 10/10 The experience was amazing! Finally, I would love to do this again and again and again…

أحمد العبري
أن تسافر مع نموهب، تعني عيش التجربة! سوف تتعلم الكثير عن بناء الفريق، ادارة الموارد، دفع نفسك خلف التوقعات والحدود والسعي للتغير.
We had a wonderful experience, meeting a new friends and grateful for that el hamdulilah 🙏🏻 Tasting a delicious food. Inshallah i have to do it again 💗
Everything was perfect Starting with amazing soul .. zainab and the helpful guy.. roy Everything thing was perfectly organized This is my 1st time to be with this type of group and for sure it’s not the last Thank you so much & I recommend it to ma family and friends 🤍🤍