شركاء نجاحنا
عن نموهب
لماذا نحن ؟
السفر المستدام
أترك أثر إيجابي على البيئة والمجتمعات المحلية
تجربة عادات وتقاليد مختلفة
تجارب مليئة بالتواصل مع المجتمعات المحلية
تحقيق الهدف
سافر بهدف لترك بصمة وتغيير إيجابي في كل رحلة
رحلات مريحة
رحلات منظمة ومريحة من لحظة وصولك حتى المغادرة
نقدم لكم الفرصة لخوض تجارب حقيقة ذات معنى تترك أثرًا على أكثر المجتمعات حاجة لمساهماتكم.
عزمنا منذ انطلاقتنا في ٢٠١٧ على إطلاق مغامرات متكاملة تجمع بين التطوع والاستكشاف وتكوين الصداقات الجديدة وصنع الذكريات التي لا تُنسى.
كن على يقين بأن الأشخاص هم حجر الأساس في جميع تجاربنا، بدءًا من السكان المحليين إلى زملائك في السفر، وصولًا إلى جميع الأشخاص الذين ستلتقي بهم خلال رحلتك.
هادفة، استثنائية، ولا تُنسى
نموهب بالأرقام
كيف صنعنا الفرق
آراء المشاركين وشهادات نعتز بها
آراء مسافرينا
Everything was perfect Starting with amazing soul .. zainab and the helpful guy.. roy Everything thing was perfectly organized This is my 1st time to be with this type of group and for sure it’s not the last Thank you so much & I recommend it to ma family and friends 🤍🤍
Iman A
The trip was super amazing and well ogranized. The guides were very professional and kind. The way the trip was put together was really good. Looking forwards for more trips with nomuhub
Nuha B
It was a beautiful trip in every sense of the word. The companionship was more beautiful and everyone was helpful and kind. The trip guide did an excellent job in managing things. I thank Namhub for this trip and I want to be with them next time to help people in need. I hope to be part of your team and I hope to work with you.
My experience is one I will never forget! It has inspired me on so many levels. What an inspiration it is to help others, make a difference, and give back to communities in need. While also explore, connect with new people, and have fun! I will surely do it again and travel with purpose! 🖤
علي مزعل
أحببت تجربتي مع نموهب لأنني قابلت أشخاصاً يشبهونني في التفكير. العمل بجد كل يوم كان مهماً جدا بالنسبة إلي، ولكن في نفس الوقت كان ممتعاً.
It was truly a one of a kind trip! I enjoyed every activity on the schedule ,nomu hub team was very professional and always on time. the service was exceptional as well and I really connected with all the girls that came with me on this trip Thank you for the most beautiful experience!
My trip with Nomu Hub was definitely an experience of a lifetime. I’ve traveled several times but this is the first time I was able to see the country through the eyes of the locals and feel what struggles they’re going through on a daily basis. Through volunteering, I’ve immersed in the local culture and bonded with people there which made Zanzibar felt like home. This whole experience showed me exactly what I was meant to be doing in this world. And now I suppose it would be difficult to gain the same level of satisfaction from a traditional vacation after such a meaningful trip.
The organising team were second to none. For me to travel to an unfamiliar country, stay at a hotel and meet with 20 strangers to help renovate a school in Nepal with no problems was an amazing job. On top of this, activities and dinners were all arranged and really couldn’t have been more engaging and enjoyable. A truly memorable and life-changing experience.
I had great time with numohub. Experiencing new things. Meeting new people. Doing right things. It was my pleasure joining this trip. I have no regrets.
شارك معنا
شريكك الموثوق
هل أنت مؤسسة تتطلع إلى تعزيز مسؤوليتها الاجتماعية؟
اكتشف كيف
اشترك في نشرتنا الإخبارية
كن على اطلاع بكل جديد حول برامجنا ووجهاتنا وغيرها المزيد!