Corporate Retreats
Organizing a corporate getaway need not be complex, from selecting the perfect location to organizing a full itinerary, to facilitating outdoor and indoor activities, ensure a seamless and distinct experience with NomuHub Retreats !
Gather With A Purpose and passion!
Travel intentionally to achieve company goals and outcomes, fostering collaboration and cultural exchange across borders.
Fully Curated Itinerary, Made For You !
Blend experiences, team building, working sessions, and outdoor activities all into one expert-curated itinerary made for your company!
Craft Unforgettable Memories With Your Team!
Crafting unforgettable memories, effortlessly with NomuHub Retreats, create trips that are the highlights of the year!
نقدم لكم الفرصة لخوض تجارب حقيقة ذات معنى تترك أثرًا على أكثر المجتمعات حاجة لمساهماتكم.
عزمنا منذ انطلاقتنا في ٢٠١٧ على إطلاق مغامرات متكاملة تجمع بين التطوع والاستكشاف وتكوين الصداقات الجديدة وصنع الذكريات التي لا تُنسى.
كن على يقين بأن الأشخاص هم حجر الأساس في جميع تجاربنا، بدءًا من السكان المحليين إلى زملائك في السفر، وصولًا إلى جميع الأشخاص الذين ستلتقي بهم خلال رحلتك.
We've Partnered with

آراء المشاركين وشهادات نعتز بها
آراء مسافرينا

مواهب أبو شال
ساعدتني تجربتي مع نموهب في تجديد شعور المتعة في حياتي، وهي تذكّرني باقتباس "جيمس ميلر": "لا شيء في هذه الحياة بإمكانه صنع السعادة والمتعة كعمل الخير".
Aisha A
It was amazing experience, being able to help people in need it’s a gift and rewarding. So thank you so muchh for offering to us this opportunity
Unforgettable experience! Everything no was amazing and organized, organizers were very helpful and friendly.
Hamdan A
The experience was nothing short of amazing. Main purpose of travel to have some fun and give back to the local community through volunteer work.
My experience is one I will never forget! It has inspired me on so many levels. What an inspiration it is to help others, make a difference, and give back to communities in need. While also explore, connect with new people, and have fun! I will surely do it again and travel with purpose! 🖤
This trip was a totally unexpected trip of a lifetime. From start to finish, the team was organised, friendly, kind and informative. I really recommend travelling with NomuHub as not only will you be travelling with purpose and contributing to equipment of the projects itself, but you will also get to experience the place you visit from the lens of a local. Love it, I will be back. Thank you NomuHub!
First time with nomuhub and first time to Bali. It was amazing and very well organized. Nomuhub team did a great job. I like the website all details are there, easy registration, easy payment, 24 hrs contact, zoom meeting before the trip, WhatsApp group for communication, well-organized transportation and trips, and very positive vibes. I wish l could join all the trips and will recommend it to everyone. Thank you!
We had a great time, it was well organised by Nomu Hub team. Truly said traveling with a purpose would leave us with a great impression. One week with Nomu Hub feels more by connecting with positive souls, learning new concepts, giving modest contribution back, valuing what we already have back home, and many other takeouts from the trip. I would definitely recommend this experience to others 🫶
Nuha B
It was a beautiful trip in every sense of the word. The companionship was more beautiful and everyone was helpful and kind. The trip guide did an excellent job in managing things. I thank Namhub for this trip and I want to be with them next time to help people in need. I hope to be part of your team and I hope to work with you.

علي مزعل
أحببت تجربتي مع نموهب لأنني قابلت أشخاصاً يشبهونني في التفكير. العمل بجد كل يوم كان مهماً جدا بالنسبة إلي، ولكن في نفس الوقت كان ممتعاً.
Contact our team of experts
Get in touch with us and start making unforgettable memories with NomuHub.